

There are many ways to reconnect to your alma mater and enjoy Mount Union after leaving campus. 你是否喜欢在活动中做志愿者, 指导学生, 为联合山的未来投资, 或者只是在你的城市召集威尼斯人app下载和朋友, 我们在这里支持你! 

除了加入威尼斯人app下载会, 联合山妇女, 和M俱乐部, 我们目前正在寻找威尼斯人app下载志愿者为以下列出的领域. 这些通常不需要长期承诺, 当你方便的时候,这是一个很好的回馈联合山的方式.

If you have any questions about getting involved, contact the 威尼斯人app下载活动办公室 at 威尼斯人app下载@haginopat.com.  


Mount Union威尼斯人app下载是一个忠诚而专注的群体. 是否自愿, 参加活动, 或者参与当今学生的教育旅程, 威尼斯人app下载 provide the foundation upon which to build continued success while staying connected to the storied traditions and legacies of the past. 

The 威尼斯人app下载会 was officially organized in 1948 and now operates under a 3-committee structure: 连接校园, 联络威尼斯人app下载, 威尼斯人app下载的周末 & 奖.  所有威尼斯人app下载, 以及任何在Mount Union上过至少一个学期的人, are eligible to join the 威尼斯人app下载会 and are encouraged to be part of one of the committees.  无论你的位置或时间,总有适合你的东西! 


威尼斯人app下载 who update the University with their current contact information receive communication and information about exciting news and upcoming events. 《威尼斯人app下载》和《威尼斯人app下载》, 我们每月的电子通讯, 威尼斯人app下载的主要新闻来源是否包括校园新闻, 学者, 体育运动, 学生, 威尼斯人app下载, 当前教师, 还有课堂笔记. 


The Mount Union 威尼斯人app下载 Executive 委员会 is comprised of selected 威尼斯人app下载 who chair three committees. Those interested in getting involved with a committee are welcome to join one of the following working committees:  

Jen (Thurin ' 03) Slack -总裁
克里斯·库吉尼' 13 -椅子,连接到校园
Chuck Hogye ' 76 -主席,连接威尼斯人app下载

The “连接校园” 委员会 is dedicated to fostering lifelong relationships with current 学生 and the Mount Union community. 该委员会应通过促进联网提供服务和支持, 专业发展, 以及领导的机会.

The “联络威尼斯人app下载” 委员会 is dedicated to creating and sustaining engagement opportunities for 威尼斯人app下载. This committee strives to inform 威尼斯人app下载 of campus news and the many ways for 威尼斯人app下载 to connect with each other both on and off campus.

威尼斯人app下载周末及奖项 委员会
The “威尼斯人app下载周末及奖项” 委员会 will review and provide recommendations to the University 政府 for the Dodie Davis 威尼斯人app下载 Service Award, 青年威尼斯人app下载奖, 麦金利院士奖, 优秀教师奖. The committee will make suggestions and provide feedback for the 威尼斯人app下载的周末 programming. 


委员会主席计划、安排和主持委员会会议. The chair also works closely with the 威尼斯人app下载会 president and vice president as well as the 威尼斯人app下载活动办公室 to share meeting minutes, 倡议, 和目标. 会员出席及参与会议(委员会及全员威尼斯人app下载会).

While we would love to see you on campus if you live close by or are able to travel back in town, 我们知道联合山的威尼斯人app下载和朋友们生活在不同的城市, 州, 甚至是国家, 因此,我们为那些无法亲自参加的人提供了缩放选项.

你的时间承诺是基于委员会设定的任务/目标. 当你加入威尼斯人app下载会时,你可以选择服务一年或两年. The full-body 威尼斯人app下载会 meets three times each year, with committee meetings in­between.

威尼斯人app下载会不为学校做任何重大决定, but rather is a branch of the 威尼斯人app下载活动办公室 and is a representation of the University.

No! 加入威尼斯人app下载会是免费的! 作为一个群体, the 威尼斯人app下载会 sponsors the Susie (Oberholzer '73) Buckel Scholarship to support our legacy 学生. 我们的目标是每年威尼斯人app下载会全体成员100%参与, 只要你觉得舒服就行.